Project Title: Repair Barge Pier & Small Craft Berthing Facility
Location: Military Ocean Terminal Concord (MOTCO), California
Contract Number:W9123820C0029
Type of Contract: PrimeContractor; Firm Fixed Price
Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District
Contract Amount: $7,946,765.40
Preconstruction activities required prior to commencing construction activities:
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Survey and Reporting
Hydro Acoustical Monitoring Turbidity BaselineEstablishment
California RidgewayRail Survey and Reporting
Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) Survey and Reporting Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Exploration and Clearing
Contract Description: RepairBarge Pier
Remove existing marine growth from timber piles. Install pile wrap systems from bottom of pile cap to 2’ below existing mudline using divers. Remove marine growth on existing timber piles and install fiberglass pile jackets from bottom of pile cap to 2’ below existing mudline and fill with cementitious grout. Drive in place new timber vertical piles to grade and install pile wrap systems. Demolish existing timber curbing and replace with new marine treated Douglas Fir. Remove and replace electrical shore pedestals, sanitary sewer, potable water and telecommunications systems. Repair existing wing walls, pour-in-place concrete cap and install rip rap.
Contract Description: Construct Small Craft BerthingFacility
Demolish existing overwater Small Craft Berthing Facility and utilities, haul off and dispose. Construct new concrete floating Small Craft Berthing Facility, installation of concrete prestressed pre-cast concrete piles. Install one 150’ long by 12’ wide concrete floating dock secured with 24”x85’ square concrete prestressed pilings. Install one 100’ long by 12’ wide concrete floating dock secured with 24”x85’ square concrete prestressed pilings, and two 37’ long by 6’ wide concrete floating dock finger piers secured 24”x85’ square concrete prestressed pilings. Install new wave attenuator float, new 15” dock
cleats, utility pedestals, plumbing, potable water and 45’ aluminum access gangway.
New facilityto accommodate one Fire Response Vessel and three Security Patrol Vessels.